It is very difficult to define “normal” development when speaking about human beings. Each individual develops in their own way and at their own pace.

We have compiled a list of some general milestones for hearing development. It is most important to note whether the child progresses naturally through the different developmental stages rather than focusing on reaching a specific milestone by a specific age.


Prenatal Stimulation:
The human foetus possesses rudimentary hearing from 20 weeks of gestation. This hearing will develop and mature during the remainder of gestation. This hearing will develop and mature during the remainder of gestation. The fetus is able to hear sounds much better than high- frequency sounds.

0-4 Months:
Startle to sudden or loud sounds. Begin to localize sounds with eyes or head movements.

3-6 Months:
Interest in different sounds. Experiment with making own sounds. Seemingly recognize familiar voices.
6-12 Months:
Babble. Begin to understand simple words such as “mommy” and “bye-bye”. Begin to follow simple instructions.

12-18 months:
Words begin to form from the babble. Can use around 20 words and understand around 50 words.

2 Years:
Can usually speak in simple sentences using a vocabulary of around 200- 300 words. Enjoy being read to and can identify and name many things in picture books.

3-4 Years:
Use words and sentences to express needs, questions and feelings. Vocabulary, pronunciation and understanding improve markedly during these years.

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