Hearing loss can happen to anyone, but is often less understood and spoken about than other limiting conditions.

Older people tend to be more prone to hearing loss.

Mostly due to changes in the inner ear that occur as we age.


Awareness about hearing health and recognition of early hearing loss symptoms remain some of the lesser talked medical problems across the world. Heightening the difficulty is the scarcity of qualified hearing health services and an inability of a large slice of the population to access such services regularly. It is, however, possible for people of all ages to find themselves suffering from a loss of hearing, be that temporary or permanent, caused by a range of factors from genetics, infection, the environment and many more.
For example, India, with a population of 1.2 billion, has only about 2000 audiologists who are qualified to diagnose hearing loss correctly and recommend a hearing management and treatment regimen. Loss of hearing can be isolating and cut a person off from other people and activities.
Awareness about hearing loss helps you remain cognizant about your hearing health and assess quickly any early signs of hearing loss.
With this knowledge, you can not only take corrective action as soon as you discern a problem but also educate others about hearing health management.

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